How much is shipping?

​We offer a flat-rate Overnight shipping price that saves you a considerable amount compared to the price we pay. We do not make money on shipping and try to make it more affordable for customers to buy our fish online. Our flat-rate shipping is $45.00 with an additional $5.00 price per fish. For larger orders over 10 fish contact us and we will work out a deal to accommodate your large order.

When will my order be shipped?

​Orders are shipped in the order that they are placed. Typically, orders are shipped on Mondays. Typically orders taken throughout the week are gathered to ship out as a whole at the start of the week. If shipment is needed ASAP please contact us and we will accommodate to the best of our ability. Some potential delays may occur, including weather delays, inventory changes, and variations in the quantity of orders. We will do our best to provide you with details if a delay is encountered.

If you would like a specific delivery date, please place your order at least 3 days in advance of your shipping date and include a note or follow-up email with your requested delivery date.

I paid for "Overnight Delivery" - why does it take 48+ hours to receive the fish?

​Delivery methods do not account for handling times. "Overnight Delivery" refers to the time between leaving our facility and arriving at your address. We may not be able to ship the order immediately after receiving it.

What is your Dead-On-Arrival (DOA) Policy?

​If you encounter any issues with the fish upon arrival, prior to opening the bags, please take photos or videos of the fish. Opening the bags ends the "arrival" period and we cannot provide claims for fish without documentation of an issue prior to opening the bags. Please email us with photos and/or video of the issue and a brief explanation (which fish is having difficulty, what the symptoms are, and any other information you may deem noteworthy). The photo must clearly show the fish in their unopened bag. This email/call needs to be received within 1 hour of delivery according to the shipper's tracking information. We will award store credit for all DOA fish. If you experience issues after arrival, such as difficulty swimming, signs of disease, or other problematic symptoms, please document them with photos and/or video and contact us immediately. Credit for deaths after arrival are issued at our discretion.

Will my fish look like the picture/video?

​Most of our fish are WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) (They will be labeled in the description) Otherwise the fish that are “A grade” will be hand picked and resemble closely to the picture.

Do you charge a fee for order cancellations?

Yes, we charge a 25% restock and sell fee, Due to high demand we sell out extremely fast, because of this we loose the potential to have sold to someone else through our bids or buyouts.

 I have existing fish in my tank, I am worried they will attack the new fish. What should I do?

If you have fish that are already established in your tank that may be aggressive towards their new tank mates the time to address this is right before adding your new fish. In most cases, you can do a minor rearranging of the tank to confuse the established fish. You can put the rocks, driftwood, etc. back to suit you the next day. Open bags after they have acclimated for temperature and pour through a net over a bucket or sink. Do not add any bag water to your tank! If you have established fish, take the fish in the net and slide it down the front glass to the bottom of the tank and then release it. The fish in your tank are used to food coming from the top so releasing the new ones near the bottom won’t draw as much attention in the tank. (This is just our opinion and will not be liable for any harm to your fish)

Shipping Info


​We ship via UPS Overnight mail and FedEx Flat rate Monday through Thursday. $45.00 flat rate and $5.00 per fish. We only do overnight, the quality of our fish are superior and we don’t want to take a chance of a DOA.

Shipping days

We ship Monday through Thursday with UPS & FedEx Overnight. "Overnight shipping" refers only to the method by which the package carrier will deliver your fish.

How do you prepare my order for shipping?

​Your fish will be professionally bagged with oxygen, and a professional fish packing bag. We use a non-toxic, recycled packing material to cushion and prevent bags from moving around much in shipping and it also acts as an adsorbent in case a small amount of water leaks during shipping. When necessary, we add heat packs to your order to keep them warm if they are traveling through colder areas. Some fish may look and act normal as soon as they are put into your tank while others will be very sluggish and almost completely sedated from the shipping process. All fish should be back to their normal state by the next morning. Your fish can easily survive the three-day trip or even longer as long as the post office, UPS, or FedEx keep them indoors during the trip and out of the cold or hot weather.

Do you ship to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico?

​Yes. Please email us or call to set up shipment to get accurate pricing.